
Terms of use.

– All rights are reserved. Any part of the disclaimer can be used or reproduced in any way without the authorization of Effer s.r.l. (hereinafter referred to as “Effer”).

– Effer shall be exempted from any responsibility as for the content of such disclaimer or as for the description of its products such as they appear in the website, in the brochures, in the manual for use and of assembly adopted by Effer.

Should one or more parts of such disclaimer be considered void, it shall not affect the validity of the other parts.

In such a case, that void part shall be replaced by another one which will be valid and will reflect, as far as possible, the same purpose.

Information on the content of this website.

All the parts of the website Effer, including the materials, the trademarks and information, the text, the software, the pictures, the videos, the layouts (hereinafter the “Documents”), are protected by the Italian and by the international applicable law and cannot be copied or imitated, neither partially, and cannot be modified or altered.

– The information included in this website have a purely indicative and approximate content: therefore, Effer shall be not responsible, neither expressly or tacitly, as for the correctness and the accuracy of the information included in this website.

– The Documents included in this website can be exclusively used for informative purposes and not for any commercial reason and cannot be reproduced or copied or published on any network or on any communication channel.

– It is understood that any reproduction of the Documents included in this website shall clearly and expressly indicate the indication “copyright: any right reserved to Effer spa”.

Use of the Products Effer and limitation and exclusion of responsibility.

– Effer informs that the use of its Products is strictly connected to the purpose for which the buyer intends to buy them.

– Therefore, it is exclusively under the responsibility of the Client/User to analyze very carefully the Documents indicate in this website and, therefore, all the technical characteristics of each specific Product Effer. Such technical characteristic are described not only in this website, but also in the brochures, manual for use and assembly and in all the other material and technical documents prepared by Effer. Moreover, it is responsibility of the Client/User to verify if the Products Effer can be used in the specific case and to carry out any necessary technical test, at its exclusive charge.

– The Products Effer can be change at any time with no previous notice, because of the programs of technological development of Effer.

– Any kind of responsibility for eventual malfunctioning of the Products Effer and/or their reduced capacity of use and/or different performances other than those reported in the Documents and in the brochures and/or in the manual for use and/or assembly and/or eventual malfunctioning and/or reduced capacity of use for a wrong choice and/or wrong evaluation of the Client/User about the technical characteristics of the Products Effer for the specific purpose will be at exclusive charge of the Client/User.

– It is responsibility of the Client/User to carefully verify whether the use of the Products Effer is in compliance with the conditions established by national and international rules, technical requirements, standards, local uses or rules imposed or recommended in case of particular and not normal use of the Products Effer, being the latter absolutely exempt by any responsibility.

– Effer declines any responsibility for any eventual damage, directly or indirectly, occurred to people or things for not having complied with all the requirements included in the Documents and in the manual for use, concerning especially (but not limited to) the following aspects:

– To always and previously assess that the content of the manual for use and maintenance has been correctly acknowledged. Should those rules included in such documents not be complied with, Effer is exempted from any responsibility to people and/or things.

– The use of not original or not authorized by Effer spare parts, any modification – even small, exempt Effer from any responsibility concerning the use, the functioning of the Products Effer and the safety of the people, animals and/or things.

– It is forbidden to use the crane to lift up people.

– For those cranes which have not any safety device (limitation of load/moment), it is mandatory to lift up only those loads indicated in the specific diagram and not go beyond those arches indicated in the diagram. It is forbidden to extract the load over those arches.

– For those cranes which have not any safety device (limitation of load/moment), it is forbidden to extract after hooking and lifting up unknown quantity of loads.

– It is forbidden to lift up loads outside the vertical axis of the hook.

– It is forbidden to use the arm of the crane to push or trail any object.

It is forbidden to lift up any load which, due to their chemical-physical characteristics, are classified as dangerous (i.e. inflammable materials, explosive, toxics etc.)

It is forbidden to lift up, pull or push any object that is fixed to the ground.

– It is forbidden to provoke any stress other than the vertical lifting;

– It is forbidden to lift up any load that is higher the maximum capacity of the hook. Otherwise, eventual structural damages of the junction or of the hook are possible.

– It is forbidden to attach to the crane and to the junction any hook whose capacity is higher than that one established or approved by EFFER.

– It is forbidden to attach to the cranes any load in condition of static balance (laid or annexed to lifted structures) and trail and/or disconnect such loads from lifted structures since this would affect too much on the structure of the crane. Such operations can provoke structural damages and/or overturning

– It is forbidden to place any load on those structures whose resistance is unknown.

– It is forbidden to handle any load with the wrong side of the arm

– It is forbidden to lift up the arms of the crane with stabilizer shafts not correctly extended and/or with the stabilizer feet not correctly laid on the ground.

– It is forbidden to lift up the vehicle if the crane is not bent again on the position of carriage.

– It is forbidden to lift up the stabilizer and the jacks if the crane is working.

– It is forbidden to lift up any load or to continue any work in case the ground is collapsing.

– It is forbidden to lift up the arms of the crane if the position of the stabilizers does not guarantee the maximum stability.

– It is forbidden to use the crane (both the parts and the load) at a distance from aerial and underground electric lines that is under the minimal one admitted by the legislation of the country of utilization.

– It is forbidden to tamper with or disassemble any mechanical, electric or hydraulic part of the crane and of its accessories.

– It is forbidden to use the crane if the devices of mechanical, electric and hydraulic protection have been removed or altered.

– It is absolutely forbidden to get close to the crane with no appropriate clothes (i.e. ties, large clothes, unbuttoned clothes etc.): it is mandatory to wear only work clothes.

– In case of contemporaneous movements, it is possible that one movement could interfere with another one, provoking uncontrolled increases of speediness. Be careful.

– It is forbidden to lift up the arm of the crane and/or the load above the employee and/or any other person present in the area of work.

– The crane is capable to work properly at an environmental temperature within – 20°C and 40°C. In case of temperatures other than those ones, it is forbidden to use the crane.

– The electronic equipment is capable to work properly in atmospheric conditions of relative humidity under the 90% at a temperature of 40°C. In case of high relative humidity and a temperature near the 0°C there is the danger that mechanic and electronic systems can block (i.e. linchpin of blocking). Check their correct functioning before the carriage and the use of the crane.

– It is forbidden to operate outside in case of storm.

– It is absolutely forbidden to use the crane if: 1) the environmental conditions are under the risk of explosion or fire; 2) there is a high presence in the environment of dust, gas, vapor, solid and abrasive particles and electromagnetic flows which can undermine the functioning of the crane; 3) the environment is contaminated by a corrosive atmosphere.

– The vehicle must be accurately laid in a flat surface and the crane must be bent at a max. inclination of ± 0,5 % (approx. ± 0,3°) in any direction.

– In any change of position and in any movement, it is compulsory to use the safety catches for all those parts (stabilizers, junctions, extension cables, mobile elements, accessories or equipment) for which such catches shall be used.

– It is highly recommendable to park the vehicle safe from atmospheric agents and to bend and the block the crane. Should the crane not be used for a longtime, it is necessary to lubricate a lot the components and to protect the stem of the jack.

– Due to the big variety of the trucks, the instructions of installation are deemed to be considered guidelines and not exhaustive for all the cases. Moreover, for any particular aspect, please check the instructions of the vehicle, the rules and international standards and ask to competent experts. Effer is available, under request, to provide any specific data which can be useful for the installations.

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IV Novembre 12, 40061, Minerbio, Bologna, Italy, C.F. e P.Iva 01943080224